Thursday, February 16, 2006


One more year before that dreaded "50".....

Looking at the number provides more dread than saying ever did....

I look back and think, "What the fuck have I accomplished?"

The only great thing I can think of are my three kids.

If I had it all to do over, I would seriously think about a lot of it being different and would hope it would start out a whole lot different than it did....

As I look ahead, I think about what I really wanted and it seems I have lowered my expectation quite a bit.

It feels like time is running out for some of the stuff I wanted to do and I can only hope that there will be some help from the offspring for completion of the tasks I need to do to have my life complete.

I want to buy a highway tractor, preferably Peterbilt, with a trailer that I have modified the way I want so that I can actually move in. It will have to have room for my pickup, boat and bike near the back.

I want a Harley, Indian or customer built bike.

I want a bass boat for fishing.

And I want to be able to stop working and travel from one body of water to the next, fishing each and every one from one end of this continent to the other.

It would be a great retirement...

I wonder how much of it will really be possible?


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