Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What is wrong with these people?

I hate people...

I don't mean just some people, I mean as a whole, I hate people...

You could call me downright antisocial...

By being that way, I don't have to go places I don't want to, don't have to be beholding to others for anything...

I have come to the conclusion that I am the only one I can count on completely...

That kind of got off the subject I was going for...

I called one asshole yesterday that was not asking for me to bend the rules and ignore the warranty just this once...

She purchased a product about three months ago. I told her that it was out of manufacture for almost a year and that a refurbished replacement was the only option available to her.

She had the nerve to demand a "new" newer model, replacement. That will only happen within thirty days of purchase or in extreme, multi-replacement scenarios...

Bitch says she is going to TV and radio to get what she wants...

I told her she had reached the top of the food chain and that we made those decisions...

She states, "There is always someone higher!"

Just where the fuck do they think they can go?

How can they think that the CEO of a multi-billion dollar, multinational company would have the time or even the inclination to talk to them, much less address their issue?

A lot of complete assholes live in New York...

And I'm just speaking from experience...

BTW, thanks for the Merry Fucking Christmas you fucking, self centered, self righteous cunt....


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