Friday, September 09, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 1

Does it not seem unnecessary to be told every year that when the kids start back to school, "Be more careful when driving because the kids are headed for school" and then in the spring, to be told the same thing when they get out of school?

If you have anything in the way of brains, you should be on the watch for anything that could be a problem when driving and not just kids.

Oh well......

The first hhmmm....



Melody said...

I find that a big odd as well. AS IF we are not bright enough to watch for kids while driving...or that we don't know when the school year starts and ends. Come on...even people without kids remember the "school year"!

warcrygirl said...

Howzabout we just not drive like headless idiots all year long? Yep, sounds good to me! Of course with the way gas is going I won't be able to afford to drive at all...I've already got myself a bike!