Sunday, September 11, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 2

How about when someone is walking along a street, has eaten a chocolate bar, candy, drink or pretty much anything taken for food these days, and throws the wrapper/container on someone elses front lawn. I just can't figure out what they may have been thinking.

"I carried this thing far enough to consume it but no frickin way I can carry the lighter weight, less bulky wrapper/container any farther to dispose of in a more friendly, proper manner. It is way too heavy after having to carry it this far and now that I have eaten it...... ?"

You might think they would then have the energy to carry it the rest of the way to their pristine abode......

On the other hand, maybe they have been collecting for far too many years or have a hubby like " My Husband's Crap " or " 100 REASONS WHY I HATE MY HUSBAND! "..

Sorry guys, seem to fit the bill here.

Any way, a little more hhmmm.....


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