Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 7

I watched this one progress through three weeks and I don't think it's over just yet.

The first act was either missed, ignored or purposefully enacted by the perpetrator, we won't really know for sure. A box that had held a brand new hand truck/fridge cart, had been thrown, blown or just simply left on the edge of one of our streets. The first time I actually saw it, it was leaning up against a steel railing along the edge of the sidewalk on a curve. Innocent enough and I didn't pick it up as I was usually headed for work and walking with this box for a couple of miles is just not an option. On the other hand, I was managing to get rides home from co-workers so I had no option to pick it up on the way home.

Anyway, this box managed to migrate across the sidewalk and ended up on the lawn of local private college where it remained for two weeks. About two weeks ago, the college maintenance department decided to have the lawn cut. The person cutting the lawn was, I have to assume, lazy enough that he did not move the box, but cut the grass all around it, leaving it in place. really quite curious.

This past Monday, the lawn was cut again, however, the box was moved this time to facilitate the cutting of the grass in that particular spot. Now get yer humming ready, the person who cut this lawn, simply moved the box back to the sidewalk.....

Now, this is a very prominent private college that is very visible on a highly visible piece of property in our city and one would think that they would have taken that piece of trash somewhere for disposal..

Here are some pics of the offending item...

You will note the nicely cut lawn, tire marks are from a truck that had erected a nice new sign on this corner of the property.

Oops, you might recognize the brand of coffee but more important, this was the box and the placement on the lawn. Note the grass around it that was not cut.

Here it is in it's final resting place. This is on the sidewalk about 10 feet from where it originally landed.

This one shows just how long the box actually sat on the lawn as it was killing the grass.

Sorry about the blur on this photo but it was more or less taken just to give a clearer reference to the position of the box.

As a final word, who was the worst, for lack of better word here, person, the one who left the box, the one who just cut around the box or the one that moved it back to the sidewalk to cut the grass properly?



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