Sunday, October 16, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 14

Tree cutting

I walk to work most days except when offered rides, and I have watched the landscape change rather drastically over the past four years.

There are several problems but the biggest one that is very visible is the cutting down of trees.

I can't get my mind around the reasons some people have for what they do to these gifts of nature.

At one place, there is a huge maple on the corner of a property and it overhangs both the public sidewalk and the neighbors property. The neighbor had a section of branches cut out of the tree from the top to the bottom that covered the corner of his property. Picture a tree with a the corner of the yard cut out of it so that corner of the yard is the only thing not covered by the tree.

How does this work? Did he save having to rake any leaves from it? Did he stop it from shading that part of the lawn? Just exactly what did he accomplish with this cut? I really am having trouble seeing the benefit of this.

The number of trees being cut down for convenience and asthetics is abolutely appalling.

Do people not realize the greater benefits of theses trees?

The leaves are a good fertilizer, they block the wind so the houses would be easier to keep warm in winter, they block sunlight in the summer so it would be easier to keep the house cool.... etc.

Talk about a huge number of short sighted people.



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