Sunday, October 23, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 16

In case you don't know it, I work in technical support and it is a prime source for blog material but, where do you stop?

I'm not going to pick on any one nation here, I have supported for two different ones in five years not to mention the local populace previous to that.

How stupid can people be? Not sure you can call some of it stupid... Just a lack of knowledge or thought, perhaps, but not stupid.

Then there are the really stupid ones.

Had one gentleman come into the store where I worked and purchased a complete computer system, seemed to know what he wanted too.

He showed up at the door two days later, stuck his head in and asked, "Can I bring that monitor back, it doesn't seem to work?"

I had to ask the questions. "You have it plugged solidly into the back of the computer?"


"And it's plugged into a known good wall socket?"

"So, that is what the other cord is for!"

Just one of the local samples.

Had a call this week. The customer was complaining because she did not get the data cable with the printer. I told her at least three times that printers do not ship with data cables.

"I bought it from (Well known computer company) and it came with a cable!"

"That was a package deal from that company, ma'am."

"No, it came in the box with the printer!"

"No, it didn't ma'am, that would have been thrown in by that company."

"It did, you callin me a fuckin liar?"

"No ma'am, you are just mistaken, these printers have never shipped with data cables."

"What the fuck did you call me for?"

"You called demanding a data cable."

"Why the fuck did you call me?, What do you want, Why are fuckin with me?"

"You called ma'am, and I'm just telling you that we have never shipped data cables with our printers."

"Don't fucking call me again, fuckin asshole, calling to fuck with me!"

These are two different people from two different countries with two different issues but are they stupid or just lacking something?

The gentleman was an electrical engineer and computer programmer, the other was a lady that seemed to have received less than adequate education and it showed to some extent.

More for the hhmmm.... bucket.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. Typical. Try to divert the blame by even denying they made the call? I guess if there weren't idiots, then there'd be no one with common sense.