Sunday, November 20, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 25

The next in the line of hhmmm...'s

Bicycle shorts and helmets.

Now I can understand the people in the big important races using these items so they can win the races.

I can also understand why they would be wearing them in practising for said races.

But my curiosity got me when, while doing my laundry, I saw an older gentleman going by on a bike wearing a shiny black streamlined helmet and a yellow and black spandex full body suit.

Do these feel that good that they feel the need to show the family jewels to all?

Do they jsut feel good and maybe they get off while wearing them..... eeewwww.....?

Do you really think it gives you a speed advantage when you are stopping at the traffic lights on every second cross street?

Do they think they look good and are just trying to turn on the onlookers?

Come on people, if your not in a race or practicing for a race then you just look like damn fools.

And especially the old geezers that are trying to regain their youth.

I'm young enough to do some goofy things, old enough to know better than do other goofy things and at a point where I don't care what others think of me but really, not gonna do it and you can't make me....


Have a great Sunday....


1 comment:

Hale McKay said...

I have noticed this very same thing. Do they ever look at themselves in a mirror before they leave the house. 5'll get you 10 that their mothers would have never let them go out looking like that.
Even those couriers who are a hazard to pedestrians in larger cities, cannot possibly save a significant amount of wind resistance - especially with all the stop signs, lights and crosswalks, etc.
I have in disgust noticed that some of them "position" themselves for a "better" look.