Friday, June 30, 2006

TGIF.... again...

These just seem to keep coming around...

For some, this is a long weekend, hope it is good for those people...

The lump on my back seems to be getting more sore as time moves on....

One of my coworkers husband had the same kind of lump and she noted that she expects me to be off for at least 6 weeks....

Could I be so lucky?....

Do I really need to go back there?....

A few things to think about....

The materials for making a pond in my yard will arrive today and I'll be able to get started laying it out tomorrow...

Enough of the trivial drivel....


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 128

In a backhanded way, the news is reasonably good...

It seems to still be a cyst but will have to be removed anyway, that means at least two more days off, one for the interview with the surgeon and the second for the surgery...

I am once again on blood pressure medication, seems it was way too high and I had stopped taking mine almost four years ago because of the cost...

There is also a crapload of bloodwork being done with diabetes and cholesterol being checked...

One curious thing, he wants to know what type of cancer took my mother, my sister and that my oldest brother has.....

Guess it means I am more likely than average to get cancer...



Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 127

Well, it is the day that I visit the doc and find out why this lump is stilling growing and getting more painful...

On the work front it looks like upper management has not looked at what middle management is doing to the front line people as they just keep promoting them to higher positions to enable them to screw over even more people...

A couple of changes that have been made, really do not bode well...

Guess it just shows me that it is almost time to move on....



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 126

Found what could be the cause of my headache last week....

I have had a cyst on my back for 20/25 years but it has never caused any problems or been a problem...

As of Wednesday last week, the damn thing has grown to the size of a figgin golf ball and is actually hurting....

Got an appointment with the Doc tomorrow, a little worried...

I found another smaller one in my armpit on Thursday last week too....

That's it for today...



Monday, June 26, 2006

Graffitti Monday... 37

Happy Graffitti Monday!!!


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 125

Wow, didn't realize just how much humidity was in my house...

Got close to a gallon in the first 4 hours of running the new dehumidifier....

Got a new USB hub as well and that is just great...

I can plug in a crap load more stuff and no more swapping in and out....

One other thing I grabbed up too, a DVD player for the TV...

We had one from one of those rent to own places but from the start it would play no more than 10 minutes then the video and sound went right out of sync...

We then used the PS2 but that is starting to skip on some of the movies too...

The new KOSS DVD player will accept divx/mp3/memory cards and other stuff...

Gonna take a few days to figure it out...

Have great day peeps...


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Thank Christ that's over....

I've never had so much medication and not had it have some effect.....

Didn't seem to matter what I did, I could not get that damned headache to even drop to a dull roar...

Anyway, my daughter bought me a cell phone and I guess that brings me closer to the phone in the ear all of the time people....

Good thing I don't have too many friends...

Got to get the lawn cut today, hair cut, dehumidifier, I think the damp in the house had something to do with the headache, laundry and some groceries.. Gonna be a busy day...

Have a great one peeps!


Friday, June 23, 2006

Still sick...

Just how long can a friggin headache last?....


Thursday, June 22, 2006


Just a note, I called in sick today and this will be the shortest post ever...


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 124

Looks like my meeting with HR yesterday is just a little more that is needed to rid the company of some of the scum that was hired over the past couple of years....

The firings have already started and there are at least 6 managers that have been walked already...

In fact, there was one yesterday that was actually a surprise, we thought she was one of the best but apparently not...

I know one of that persons best friends and will know more about that firing today...

This looks like it is going to get interesting....



Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 123

Bought a product and it lasts for more than 3 years....

"I am never buying from your company ever again because you don't make products that last...."

What the hell do people expect?

They seem to expect that if they spend so much as even a nickel on anything, it should last forever.... WTF?

Anyway, I have a meeting with HR today and that will determine just how much closer to being fired I will be....

I have far too many complaints about the way management has been treating me as well as others in this company and have decided that I refuse to stand for this crap anymore...

I'll keep ya up on the progress..



Monday, June 19, 2006

Graffitti Monday... 36

Happy Graffitti Monday!!


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Fathers Day!

Hope al you "DAD'S" out there have as great a day as I think I will...


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 122

Don't know how many people out there surf blogs but I am getting a little ticked at the asses that seem to think pop-up ads are really the way to go...

Pure asses as far as I am concerned...

Had one lady call up this week with a unit that was over 6 months old and screeched about wanting her money back...

She told me that she was 71, like that has anything to do with my decisions.....

4 separate times, she screeched herself into a hacking, coughing fit....

I would have enjoyed hearing her take a heart attack during one of them...

Found more than a little humour in her name and actions - "screaming Mimi"...

Anyway, got some money that needs spending this week, a completely new wardrobe and a new scanner, got a crap load of pics that have to be rescanned in....

Have a great Saturday peeps!



Friday, June 16, 2006


Lookin forward to this weekend, a shopping we will be going....

Got some money and will be buying a complete wardrobe for myself....

I don't need much but it has been so long since I was able to spend this kind of money on myself....

Have a great day all!!


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 121

Had a call a couple of days ago....

Lady bought the product last thanksgiving and had a problem with it now....'

She called technical support and just screeched at them to refund her money...

When she got to me it was exactly the same thing....

She made a pint that she was 71 years old, that means something?

Every time I tried to speak, she would start screeching....

This happened at least 4 times....

I was kinda waiting for her to have a heart attack and maybe die while talking to me....

Gotta like frickin idiots, God does, he made more than enough of 'em....



Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dang again....

Would you believe that the only thing I can think of right now is the fly guts on my monitor......

I got some sort of bug yesterday and had one crappy night not to mention I have to go to work early today for a little in class training on some new product the client is releasing.....

I really want to go back to bed...

Damned work ethic....


Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I seem to have run out of material to post....

Let me correct that, My mind has stalled and I can't remember some of the things I wanted to post....

I know that I will remember what I wanted at the most inopportune time, when I'm not even where I can write it down much less put it here....

Oh well, maybe tomorrow....


Monday, June 12, 2006

Graffitti Monday... 35



Sunday, June 11, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 120

Even though the bank says there is a hold on the money that I deposited from my uncle, I think I'm going to try to withdraw some tomorrow to see if they really have a hold on it....

Got a couple of things to get as well as some bills to pay off....

Then I have to find some sort of investment for the rest, not sure just what would be best, but have to figure it out soon...

Kid got himself a new bicycle today and a couple of other things that he desperately needed...

Guess time will tell...

Just remembered a bitch I was talking to yesterday, had to get her to someone else before I went off...

I made a small error in setting up a service for her and she called back, pissed completely off...

She started yelling about how her uncle was dying and family comes first so she couldn't deal with it at the time she should have...

I came a matter of seconds away from telling her to fuck right off... one of my two dad's just came out of surgery to have a second clot removed from his brain and we are not sure just how long one of my uncles has left... and I'm listening to some fucking jerkoff bitch who can't see past her own wants to see that other things may be involved...

At least I was able to pass the bitch to someone else and don't have to deal with her anymore...



Friday, June 09, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 119

I hate cats....

We have had one in the basement for about three weeks now and I was really tired of the damned yowling it has been doing....

There is a crawl space in the back part of the house where we can't reach it. The kid went down quite a few times to try to lure the little shit out of there but it was to scared and would hide back in the crawl space...

I think it got in through a window on one side but could not get back up to it to get out...

I finally decided to leave the back door open for a bit as I'm here for the day...

When I opened the door, I found a crap load of feathers all over the landing and steps to the basement...

My question: How the hell did the cat manage to get a bird into the basement and eat all but the feathers at the back door?...

Needless to say, I think the frickin thing is now gone...

Hope there are no little ones back in the crawlspace to die and stink up the place...

BTW, I also hate frickin allergies and sinus infections!!! Only took three times longer to write this between pills and sneezing, not to mention the watering, itching eyes.....

Jeez, seems that I'm in a rut, I also hate when I start a four gig download of Windows Vista Beta 2 before going to bed and waking to find that an error has occurred and the file can't be saved so I have to start it over again...

A real hate filled day....



Thursday, June 08, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 118

You would not believe the hoops you have to jump through to just throw a frickin cheque into a bank account....

My Son and I both received cheques in the amount of $16,000 from one of my uncles who is dying...

Because my bank is different from the one my uncle uses, the funds are bring held for more than a week...

We asked about opening an account for my son who is a minor, he is only 17, but got nothing but attitude and bullshit from the people at my bank...

They said we needed two particular pieces of ID to open the account and would not even look into any possibilities to try to get it done...

Needless to say, they will be losing all of my business...

We opened an account for him in the same bank as my uncle uses and the money was moved immediately...

What kind of customer service is that.... Oh, right, we are in Canada and not entitled to any consideration....



Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 117

Today we go pick up the cheques left by the uncle....

Funny the thoughts that go through your mind when you know that you are getting a tidy sum from a relative...

I have to put together a thankyou letter but how do I do that when I haven't Seen the guy for more years than I can remember?...

I will have to include some pics of my kids so he'll see who he left his money to....

These are the same people who made sure that my twin and I knew we were not part of the actual family as we were adopted...

Definitely not afforded the same consideration...

I have learned to take whatever is given and walk away....



Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 116

Weird how some things work out....

The bitch my oldest son is hooked up with has managed to have him cut completely off from the whole family... spending far too much time trying to figure out what the F that bitch has done and where he is so that we can contact him....

I have an uncle that is a multi-millionaire that, as far as I know for all these years, did not like my adopted brother and myself but he is now dying, and rather quickly in my understanding, so he is handing out cheques...

My twin brother, me, my two sons and my daughter have all been given a stipend by him...

I don't even know what to think of this...

Maybe the ol' man will take a note here and do the same?...



Monday, June 05, 2006

Graffitti Monday 34...



Sunday, June 04, 2006

Final Day....

One day left and it's back to the old grind...


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Time is getting shorter...

Wasn't too bad a day, no rain till late evening...


Friday, June 02, 2006

Three days to go...

This is getting too short.....


Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's change...

Now we have a drastic change in the weather, rain and cooler, MUCH cooler...
