Sunday, December 31, 2006

A little off...

Yea, I'm still sick, but may be progressing slowly....

Ever get to the point where you think, "What the hell am I doing?"

I don't know, I've hit a point where I'm not sure where I want to go. I don't want to go back to the hell hole I call work. I don't want to feel sick and crappy all the time. I don't want to just subsist anymore.

I can't afford to leave work, got to pay the rent, utilities, etc.

Just watched a movie called "Accepted".

The question was, "What did you really want to do with your life?"

It sure as hell wasn't what I am doing now.

Feeling a good deal unappreciated, yea, that would be a good assumption.

I have been supporting a family of five for 20+ years on my income and with now assistance from anyone else.

People call me crusty, cranky, anti-social, whatever. I really don't give a shit.

I want to get myself a bike, preferably a Harley or and Indian or even a custom chopper. The point is that I want to get on that thing and disappear. No one else to fend for, support or watch out for, for a change.

I could be damned selfish.

Shit, it ain't ever gonna happen, should just give up now, too tired and beaten to keep this shit up...

Thoughts because of new years, maybe but not likely...

Got to take something to knock this fever down again..

I'll be fine, one thing I'm not is a quitter... Just another bug in my friggin personality...


Saturday, December 30, 2006

Almost missed this one...

I don't want to go through another night like that one....

Every two to three hours from 8:30, I was up, dumping back a neocitran, a dose of robitussin, and four tylenol ultra, then back to be to toss and turn some more..

Went to the walk in clinic today at 1:30 and did not get to the Doctor till 5:30.

I'm now on Cipro for ten days, that should kick the crap out of both of the friggin infections I have...


Friday, December 29, 2006


I don't feel like posting much today...

I have a sinus infection, a bladder or kidney infection, the bug that happens to be going around....

The night before last, one of my aunts died leaving the guardianship of her 50 year old daughter, who has cerebral palsy, to my 77 year old mother....

I want to go back to bed....

Can't, have to go to work to get paid for the stat holiday, damn...


Thursday, December 28, 2006

I wonder.....

The old rule of thumb is to take the Christmas tree down on or after the first of January or you will have bad luck...

What if you didn't even put one up?

If outdoor Christmas lights are the only obvious signs that you even recognize the day, do these have to come down as well?

Will you incur the same luck?

Guess I am going to find out..

I am not taking the lights down and I did not put up any other decorations including a tree....

Guess I might be a Scrooge, Bah, Humbug!


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What is wrong with these people?

I hate people...

I don't mean just some people, I mean as a whole, I hate people...

You could call me downright antisocial...

By being that way, I don't have to go places I don't want to, don't have to be beholding to others for anything...

I have come to the conclusion that I am the only one I can count on completely...

That kind of got off the subject I was going for...

I called one asshole yesterday that was not asking for me to bend the rules and ignore the warranty just this once...

She purchased a product about three months ago. I told her that it was out of manufacture for almost a year and that a refurbished replacement was the only option available to her.

She had the nerve to demand a "new" newer model, replacement. That will only happen within thirty days of purchase or in extreme, multi-replacement scenarios...

Bitch says she is going to TV and radio to get what she wants...

I told her she had reached the top of the food chain and that we made those decisions...

She states, "There is always someone higher!"

Just where the fuck do they think they can go?

How can they think that the CEO of a multi-billion dollar, multinational company would have the time or even the inclination to talk to them, much less address their issue?

A lot of complete assholes live in New York...

And I'm just speaking from experience...

BTW, thanks for the Merry Fucking Christmas you fucking, self centered, self righteous cunt....


Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I hope all had a great Christmas day, mine wasn't too bad at all, at least better than I expected...

The forerunner was the picture of my oldest son which can be seen three posts back...

I got a Timmies coffee maker and some coffee to go with it, perfect for Christmas day as Timmies is closed for that day...

The kid decided to stay with us the whole day and even till bedtime, figured he'd take off like he did Christmas eve...

Good food and time with the the rest of my family made it worthwhile.

Too bad we have to go back to work today...

You yanks remember that for us Canadians, this is a statutory holiday and don't need to put up with any shit on the phones today...


Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!

And Happy Graffiti Monday!!!


Sunday, December 24, 2006


I have a few things I would like to post but I really don't want to bring down anyone else for the season...

Suffice it to say, have a Merry Christmas and I hope all are well through it...


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Too Cool !!!

Here is the long awaited pic of my oldest Son...

Can you see the pride in my face?


Friday, December 22, 2006


Ever find that things you do everyday seem to take one day and seem to give you nothing but problems?

Just now, I was digging through a pile of papers at the back of my desk and some CD's that have been on the one speaker for almost a year, suddenly pick that moment to fall off? The papers suddenly, at that same moment, decide to fall all over the desk including my keyboard?

I keep my blood pressure pills out here at my desk too so I won't forget to take them every morning. They picked this morning to fall from the shelf to my keyboard.

It just seems that a lot of crap is going to rain on my head today as well...

Not going to talk about the rain we are to get through Christmas day either....


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Is it enough yet?

The client company on whose contract I work, has made a record profit in the last reporting period.

The profit earned has close to doubled from the previous period.

When is it enough?

They like to report themselves to be people oriented. I say bullshit!

The say goes for the company I work for.

The client keeps changing the requirements that our agents have to adhere to, adding more blocks to the path of excellence, and offering nothing else to those they are pushing.

In my company, the management rules by fear, didn't know it was a management style. It shows in the attrition but I guarantee that the management will never admit that they were wrong...

I am going to writing the CEO of my company about the way management runs it, possibly having my ass fired in the process.

I would do the same with the client but it would come back to my team and I know where that would lead... nowhere...

Anyway, I got to get to that really wonderful job and all the good people we call managers.... Where the hell are my drugs....


Wednesday, December 20, 2006


The asshole from the previous post told another person that he thought I was great?

All I can think is that he had had a bad day and went off like a loon...

He is getting what I was going to order for him anyway but I don't have to deal with him anymore, he now has another on my team to deal with...

I have a feeling that even though I thought I had everything done for Christmas last weekend, I am missing something...

Driving me nuts....

5 days to Christmas day

Have a great day


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


For the most part, most of the people I talk to are just looking to get a resolution to a problem and are more than a little apologetic once they realize I'm there to do just that...

However, there are some self righteous, self centered, assholes that can only think of themselves...

If you are one of those friggin asses that call technical support over the holiday, think about that poorly paid slob who has gone to work to help you out instead of staying home and thinking of themselves .

Don't yell at them as if they owe you the fucking world because they don't. If it wasn't for them, you would go the whole holiday in ignorant confusion and stupidity.

Think before you open your mouth..

I had two customers call for me yesterday that tried to claim that I offered or said something I did not. The most obnoxious of them was given the sharp side of one of myassociates tongue when he told her that I was a liar. If there is one thing I do not do, it is lie. He had the nerve to call back and demand the fax number for my team without providing any information. Just who does he think he is? Does he truly believe that the multinational, multi billion dollar company will fold without his one sale?

To him I say "FUCK OFF!" You are not that important and will find out I was offering more than he will now get, asshole!

Anyway, think about that poor person that, instead of spending time with his/her family over the holiday, is there to try to make yours more enjoyable..

And say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to them, pc be damned!


Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy Graffiti Monday 61...

Happy Graffiti Monday !!!!


Sunday, December 17, 2006


Got a call from my Mother yesterday. Seems my oldest son has decided to stay in contact in a round about way...

My brother has continued to send letters and cards to him and this week he got a letter back. It included a picture of him im his uniform and with his adopted son. I don't know if he has legally adopted him but he has chosen to be and take responsibility for the kid so....

It's just too bad the kid has such a bitch for a mother and with luck, he won't grow up to be like her...

I am proud of my Son and someday he may realize that and I hope it won't be too late when he does...

Anyway, 7 days till Christmas


Saturday, December 16, 2006


One of my coworkers was selling cookie dough as a fund raiser for her kids school.

I put ll three tubs in the fridge and just wonder how long it'll take for the kid to find it and eat it. He doesn't cook it, just scoops right out of the tubs with a spoon. I kind of hoped it would make him sick the last time but he's a tough little shit...

Going to be testing just how tough he is in about three months. He will be eighteen in March and at this point, I will be kicking his lazy friggin ass out of my house.

It's been twenty six years since I was by myself and I am really looking forward to it. To bad it has to be this way.

Hope all have a great weekend.


Friday, December 15, 2006

found him...

I found that little prick that's cutting the grass....

He happens to be cutting the grass somewhere between my eyes and the back of my head...

I'll catch him sittin' on my nose for a break and then.....

Is there something about turning fifty that tells your body, "It's time to start breaking down", at and accelerated rate?

The knee on which I have had four surgeries through the years is starting to hurt a lot more than usual. I thought it might be the weather at first but doesn't seem to be now....

Just putting my socks on can be a venture in pain and contortionism( wonder if that is a real word?)

Crap, I hate this aging thing...


Thursday, December 14, 2006

What the hell???....

Who the hell is still cutting grass?..

Sorry, got a friggin sinus infection and the only thing I can smell is a lawnmower cutting grass. It's like a mix of cut grass and lawnmower fumes. This has been going on 24/7 for the last three weeks.

Gotta go find that asshole that's cutting his lawn on frigging December, looks like it's gonna be a green Christmas...


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


It took me some time to get a hold of one of my customers almost two weeks ago...

When I did, his wife went off like an absolute asshole, making demands without even hearing what I had to offer...

They had three of the one product and one of them had been exchanged so they really did not want them anymore...

I offered to replace all three units with three more that were worth twice the money, new and for no cost to them...

They wanted to go look at them and I made it quite clear that they could not get the other model they were looking at from me as it would require a product line cross which is not allowed on my level...

He called back in yesterday claiming the units I offered would not work but he wanted the other model he mentioned when we first spoke...

I reiterated that that would not be possible and he goes on to state that he did not like how I handled the issue...

I'm giving him a full refund for all three units, no question and he isn't happy?

What an ass....


Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy Graffiti Monday 60...



Sunday, December 10, 2006

Happy season?...

Christmas is coming but the season holds a hell of a lot less for me these years...

No, 50 ain't old but I feel a shit load older than that...

My oldest son is in the military and moved away from us which is not a bad thing. The bad part is the "bitch" he hooked up with has gotten his head turned and screwing him up. Because she claims she was slighted by me, she has made sure to have him refuse all contact with his whole family, not just me. He wrote a letter to his grandmother which I would have made him eat if I had been anywhere hear him. I couldn't believe the words she read to me. It may have been his writing but that friggin little bitch was the one dictating it.... Won't be talking to him anytime in the foreseeable future if ever again....

My daughter lives with her mother and I do see her on a regular basis but she is living her life. I have no issues with her at all. She is a good kid and finally got some work again and she really likes it. Thank Christ for that...

The youngest one and only person that lives with me, is driving me completely off my rocker...

I was sure that we had raised these kids to be a whole lot less selfish than they have turned out. He comes home to sleep, shit, use my computer, use my TV, use my heat, hydro, sewer, eat my food and just take whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He leaves garbage anywhere he happens to have put it down. He leaves dirty dishes wherever he was eating and will not lift a finger to help in any way at all...

I told him that if, by the time the school year is out in June, he has not put in a consistent and concerted effort to help out around here, either in chores or in a monetary fashion, he is out. When asked when he is going to get a job he states that we haven't gotten him his social insurance card yet. His friends, who manage to get their cards and work, have told him, "Your old enough to go and get the damned thing yourself". Doesn't seem to make a difference.

The only time I see him is when I kick his ass out of bed in the morning to sometimes make it to school... Occasionally, he will make it home before I have to go to bed so that I can get up in time for me to go to work but not often.

I couldn't handle the slob of a wife I married and it looks like she passed her slovenly ways on to the kids as I was the sole support for this family for over twenty years.

She also made sure that any friends I had would not came near the place because it would be so uncomfortable for them to visit.

I am sort of waiting for the time when I will have the place to myself and have only me to worry about. Even the dog is nearing the end of his time on this earth, he's 13 and pretty stove up with arthritis which is only alleviated to some extent by the aspirin I give him in the morning and at night.

Sorry for the sucky tone on this one but I did manage some time to think about how crappy things seem to have turned out...

Hope all have a good weekend...


Saturday, December 09, 2006


I really like it when it is busy, tends to make the day go a hell of a lot faster.

It's too bad we have such screwed up management...

My yearly review from last year is not going to be addressed even though it has been noted that it is incorrect. Kinda funny that this particular manager can walk away from all of the reviews that he screwed up because he was moved away from the team and no longer even answers to the person who was above him at the time.

The company bitches about attrition all of the time but praises the shit out of the management team. Just who the hell do they think is driving the attrition level?

It's not about the job or how the job is done, most love the job, it is about the ass kissing and nepotism.

Too bad I won't try tasting the ass...


Friday, December 08, 2006


I got a customer this week that, as we found out yesterday, is one of our biggest fraud artists.

I my case, he had a product bundle where the two main components were defective, according to the customer. Realize that when someone has gotten to my level they have already done a crap load of troubleshooting.

I setup replacements for both products. He receives the replacements and calls back because, once again, according to him, his wife sent in all of the accessories with the units which I told him not to do. I told him that I would set up the parts and send them to him sometime yesterday. Luckily, I got a load more info from one of my colleagues...

He used a different name and phone number and provided the same story to her and she did the same thing I did. The clue in was the fact that he called back to her to have one other item added that really had my colleague wondering about the validity. Not 5 minutes later, the asshole called back for me and requested the same thing...

Within about 20 minutes more, we find out that he has been around just about everyone else on our team.

This goof has more than $1000 worth of product from my team alone. He has at least 6/7 different names that he uses but he gets greedy and that is his downfall.

The real problem I have with the whole thing, the client has no mechanism in place to take the assholes down.

Nothing pisses us off more than seeing these bald face frauds, con artists, crooks, get away with the scams...

He lives in Rockford, Illinois and his last name always has an "HA" to start with...

Haley, Hater.. etc.

If anyone knows this frickin jerk, punch him in the mouth for me!


Thursday, December 07, 2006


Looks like I may be a one of a kind loon...

I'm the only one that gets to work somewhere between 45 min to an hour and a 1/4 before my shift, just to ensure I am prepared before I am on the clock. Guess it is part of my work ethic...

I don't make arrangements for a ride to work. I have not driven for more than 4 years and started walking the two miles to work and home each day. Apparently, I should be busing or arranging a ride with fellow employees, according to others...

Just two of the things that set me asside from the pack, I like to think ahead of the pack...


Wednesday, December 06, 2006


How many people depending on you and your decisions, does it take to send you around the bend?

The job does have its upside, the thankfulness of those that are simple to help...

The real downside is the support from the management that runs our outsource company...

They want people to love to come to work but just how likely is that when the only they seem to have to motivate the employees is fear?

Is "fear" a management style?

I know, I asked this before but it is a sore spot that won't heal...


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Just another day...

Tuesday and what do I have to look forward to?

The garbage and recycling trucks to take our crap away...

I walk to work through the fresh snow we got last night...

Sign on to my system at work including all of my tools...

Check any email that came in overnight...

Water my plants as well as those of a couple other people on my team...

Go get my drink and sometimes morning snack, don't usually get lunch til about 3 or later in the afternoon...

Check out one comic strip site and three news sites

Check the status on any outstanding orders that I set up...

Wait to stamp timecard so I will be officially on the clock...

Then, 8 hours of nonstop bitchin and complaining...

Time to cart my ass home where I veg in front of the boob tube for a couple of hours before bed...

Then I will get up and start all over again tomorrow...

Is it worth it?...


Monday, December 04, 2006

Happy Graffiti Monday 59...

Happy Graffiti Monday!!!


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Part 2...

Less funny

* 2069, A Space Orgy
* A Clockwork Orgy
* A Midsummer Night's Wet Dream
* A Nightmare on Dyke Street
* A Wet Dream on Elm Street
* Airport 69
* All the President's Women
* Ally McSqueal
* America's Horniest Home Videos
* American Hair Pie
* Anal-ize This
* Analtasia
* Anus and Andy
* Apackolips Now
* As Hard As It Gets
* Ate Men Out
* Bachelorette Party
* Battlestar Orgasmica
* Beat the Cock
* Beaverjuice
* Beaverly Hills Cop
* Blast from the Pants
* Boobarella
* Broadcast Nudes
* Buttman and Bobbing
* Captain Hooker and Peter Porn
* Chinny Chinny Gang Bang
* Choke-A-Hontas
* CockTale
* Crocodile Blondie
* Cumming Holmes
* Dances with Foxes
* Dangerous Lesions
* Das Booty
* Debbie Does Deliverance
* Deeper Impacts
* Dick, Tracy?
* Dickman and Throbbing
* Dirty Panting
* Dr. Speckle and Ms. Hyde
* Drilling Miss Daisy
* E3: The Extra-Testicle
* Easy Ride Her
* Edward Penishands
* Endless Lust
* Erectnophobia
* Facial Attraction
* Ferris Bueller's Jack Off
* First Times at Cherry High
* Fists of Fury
* Flashpants
* Flesh Gordon
* For Your Thighs Only
* Forrest Hump
* Frankenpenis
* Friday the 69
* Frosty the Blowman
* FudgePac Man
* G*A*S*H
* Genital Hospital
* Ghostbangers
* Gilligan's Asshole
* Gonad the Barbarian
* Good Will Humping
* Great Sexpectations
* Hannah Does Her Sisters
* Hannah and Her Blisters
* Headtv
* Honey, I Blew the Kid
* I Know Who You Did Last Summer
* In and Out in Beverly Hills
* Independence Nights
* Indiana Bones in the Temple of June
* Intercourse with a Vampire
* Interview with a Vibrator
* Jennifer Ate
* Jungle Beaver
* Jurassic Pork
* King Dong
* Kinky Business
* L.A. Raw
* Lawrence of a Labia
* Lethal Weapons
* Little Shop of Whores
* Looking for Mr. Goodsex
* Lord Of The Cock Rings
* Lust in America
* Lust in Space
* Mad Maxine Beyond Thunderbone
* Married With Hormones
* Mary Bobbings
* Miami Spice
* Mousecunt
* Murphy's Brown
* My Bare Lady
* My Three Sluts
* NYDP Blew
* National Pornographic's Animal Kingdom
* Navy Squeals
* On Golden Blonde
* Pee-wee Sperming's Big Adventure
* Pleasure Island
* PocaHotAss
* Poop Dreams
* Porn on the Fourth of July
* Pornocchio
* Pulp Friction
* Rambone
* Rambutt
* Robofox
* Romancing the Bone
* Rosemary's Beaver
* Satisfaction Jackson
* Saturday Night Beaver
* Saving Ryan's Privates
* Schindler's Lust
* Sex Lives of the Rich and Famous
* Shakespeare in Lust
* Sinderella
* Single White Nympho
* Snatch Adams
* Sperms of Endearment
* Splatman
* Star Trek: Erection
* Star Trek: The Next Penetration
* Star Whores
* Starship Poopers
* Studsky and Snatch
* Suck Rodgers in the 69th Century
* Summer of 69ing
* Tales from the Dark Hole
* Tango and Gash
* Terms of Endowment
* The 69 Olympics with Mark Spits and Greg Largeanus
* The Big Sleazy
* The Bitches of Westwick
* The Blown Ranger
* The Deer Humper
* The Flintbones
* The Girl From S.E.X.
* The Good, The Bad, And the Horny
* The Hindlick Maneuver
* The Last Anal Hero
* The Lust Boat
* The Lust Bug
* The Man With the Golden Penis
* The Pink Lagoon
* The Queer Hunter
* The Rockford Piles
* The Rocky Porno Video Show
* The Sex Family Robinson
* The Sex Files
* The Sexorcist
* The Sheets of San Francisco
* The Sperminator
* The T & A Team
* The Texas Dildo Massacre
* The Twilight Bone
* The Wadd Squad
* The gAy Team
* Three Men and a Babe
* Threesomes Company
* To Live and Shave in LA
* Top Buns
* Total Reball
* Turn Her and Hootch
* Twin Cheeks
* Waddzilla
* Watersports World
* When Harry Ate Sally
* Where the Boy's Aren't
* White Men Can't Hump
* Who Reamed Robin Rabbit?
* Whore of the Worlds
* Willy Wonka and the Hershey Highway
* Womb Raider
* Yank My Doodle, It's a Dandy
* You've Got Male!

Not Porn Parodies

* Blow
* Fellowship Of The Ring
* Fiddler On The Roof
* Snatch
* Toy Story
* The African Queen


Saturday, December 02, 2006

1st installment

A little found humour...

List of Porn Parodies
From Encyclopedia Dramatica

List compiled with films' existence considered irrelevant to humour.

* 1 Funnier
* 2 Kind Of Funny
* 3 Less funny
* 4 Not Porn Parodies


* Being In John Malkovich
* Chinny Chinny Gang Bang
* Das Booty
* Edward Penishands
* Frankenpenis
* Glad He Ate Her
* In Diana Jones
* Inspect Her Gadget
* King Dong
* Men In Black Men
* Navy Squeals
* Night Of The Giving Head
* Oh She's Eleven
* Pulp Friction
* Shaving Ryan's Privates
* Schindler's Fist
* Sheep Impact
* Tango and Gash
* Twin Cheeks

Kind Of Funny

* Ben-Hur-Hur-Hur
* Casawanker
* Invasion Of The Snatch Prodders
* Monster's Balls
* Return Of The 'King
* Riding In Boys With Cars
* Rosemary's Baby Fetish
* Wet Quim For A Dream


Friday, December 01, 2006


Appears that I have been fixed...

No, no, no, not that kind of fixed. My blood pressure is now under control...

The lump that had me worried seems to be an oddity. It vanished on Monday and Tuesday, reappeared on Wednesday and gone again Thursday. Doc figures its just some sort of fluid filled thing that really is no problem. Could be associated with the damnable bug I've had for the past three weeks.

Anyway, good enough to go back to work, TGIF...


Thursday, November 30, 2006


I was going to call the local radio station because, to predict the weather, I could look out my door in the morning and be more accurate.

On monday, they said it would rain lat that night. Be damned. When I left work at 5, it was pouring down. I didn't take my bumbershoot because of the radio forecast and wound up soaked to the skin.

Tuesday, they said it would rain for most of the day. I took my bumbershoot for no reason as there was no rain at all...

Yesterday, they said not rain and even some sunny periods. NOT! At no point was there any sun. In fact, it had rained just before I left for home at 5.

The weather guy needs to go back to school or something....

He is calling for a crap load more rain today. Just a minute, let me look out the front door, gotta see if I can predict more accurately...


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Corporal vs capital...

News this morning has a 16 year old kid being charged with threatening his family using a gun...

Our health care institution has decided that there is zero tolerance for people to use corporal punishment on their offspring...

Is there a possibility that this kid is going to head directly to capital punishment because they spared the rod?

My personal opinion, the hands off approach is not working. Far too many of these kids could have been turned when a lot younger if there had been a good swat on the ass.

I'm not for the beating of your kids, I was one of those that was beaten so bad that the school sent me home because I looked to bad to be there, fat lip, black eye, etc. That was just one of the beatings I took when I was no more than 10 or 11 years old.

I have never beaten my kids to any extent and have never hit them hard enough to leave a mark but they definitely knew that shit would rain down if they did wrong...

I think a little more corporal will go a long way to reduce the need for capital, not eliminate it but reduce it...


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I wonder...

I wonder if the people who call in and both complain about tech support out sourcing and just palin start screaming about the support policies, were forced to listen to this crap themselves, would they be so quick to start screaming the next time they phone?

I guarantee that they would hang up the first time someone started screaming...

Think about it people, you called us for help. Insulting and yelling at us is going to get you no closer to help than talking to your dog....

We had one agent who absolutely hated anyone that would yell and escalate past him. He was seen during one of his breaks, calling the local phone company and doing exactly what he hated people doing to him...


Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Graffiti Monday 58...



Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gun control...

Where do the politicians get the idea that they can control guns?

The government instituted a long rifle registry a few years back, did that stop anything or even decrease it at all? I think not...

In the US, it is part of their constitution that they are entitled to carry weapons. What about Canadians?

To have any hope at all of actually working, the US would have to put the same gun controls in place and then attempt to enforce them. Not likely that will ever happen...

And most of the guns used in crime are stolen or smuggled in anyway, not committed by the legal gun owners.

As a side note, my ol' man held the Canadian record for .22 target pistol for 7 years. They discontinued the competition when no one could come close to beating him. He also trained some Toronto police to shoot.

Not bad for a prick...


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Summary of Life


1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
2) When your Mum is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap.


1) Raising teenagers is like nailing jelly to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fibre, not the toy.


1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down there.
4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you
once got from a roller coaster.
5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.


1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.


At age 4 success is . . . not piddling in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 17 success is . . having a drivers license.
At age 35 success is . having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 70 success is . .. . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . . having friends.
At age 80 success is . . . not piddling in your pants.


Friday, November 24, 2006

Wasn't so bad...

Of the dozen call ins yesterday, to the 25/30 people that were in, I got five of them and no new cases for me...

I even got to leave 4 hours early...

The only problem with that was when I got home, I got to watch the kid play a game on the ps2 for 3 1/2 hours, now that is boring...

Today should be a little busier but Monday will probably be the biggest nightmare, speaking from experience...



Thursday, November 23, 2006

Short but sweet

Happy Thanksgiving to the US people!

Remember that when calling tech support...


Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Here it is Wednesday again, seems to show up about once every single week...

Had an call in yesterday for someone else who was not in, possibly because he was sick...

She had called in on the 3rd of the month to reach a point where it was deemed that the unit needed to be replaced.
The order was setup to be delivered about the 23rd and as it was out of warranty, she paid a lesser price to get that replacement.
The person who setup the order made a mistake, had it going to the wrong place. Yes, he did have the correct address included but on a second line. Of course our error but then the customer became unreasonable.

She knew exactly what had happened but demanded that she receive the replacement the next day.

I am one of the people that could have done that but the only way was for no cost and I wasn't about to give this person a $500 unit for free, especially as the original was out of warranty. She decided she wanted to talk to someone else.

She got nothing but her money back for the misdirected unit.

On the hand, I had one customer call in, needed a replacement unit which I setup without question, turned out it was a forced upgrade, advised that I would look into a couple of products that she wanted to purchase and check into a couple of other items for her.

Her immediate response was to request my supervisor for a kudos. I said"No, I will not allow that , at least not yet." I told her to , at least wait until we were sure that the issue had been resolved. Another happy camper...

Just a couple of ups and downs in our queue...


Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Sorry peeps, I'm just so tired and sick, I really got nothing...

I probably do but my mind is not working right...

Need sleep......


Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Graffiti Monday 57...



Sunday, November 19, 2006

Some Humour...

50 top oxymoron's

50. Act naturally
49. Found missing
48. Resident alien
47. Advanced BASIC
46. Genuine imitation
45. Airline Food
44. Good grief
43. Same difference
42. Almost exactly
41. Government organization
40. Sanitary landfill
39. Alone together
38. Legally drunk
37. Silent scream
36. British fashion
35. Living dead
34. Small crowd
33. Business ethics
32. Soft rock
31. Butt Head
30. Military Intelligence
29. Software documentation
28. New York culture
27. New classic
26. Sweet sorrow
25. Childproof
24. "Now, then ..."
23. Synthetic natural gas
22. Christian Scientists
21. Passive aggression
20. Taped live
19. Clearly misunderstood
18. Peace force
17. Extinct Life
16. Temporary tax increase
15. Computer jock
14. Plastic glasses
13. Terribly pleased
12. Computer security
11. Political science
10. Tight slacks
9. Definite maybe
8. Pretty ugly
7. Twelve-ounce pound cake
6. Diet ice cream
5. Rap music
4. Working vacation
3. Exact estimate
2. Religious tolerance
And the Number one top OXYMORON:
1. Microsoft Works


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thought for the day...

Had one customer come through to me yesterday that had had 5 replacements this year for the product she owns. Three within the last month...

She has three kids, one being a year or two younger than my youngest...

She is separated and has received no support from the hubby...

I did not have to think about my next step to help out this lady, an upgraded replacement, no question in my mind...

One statement that she made had me thinking about my lot in this life...

"God gives you no more than you can handle"

I am not a religious man by any stretch but you have to stop and think.

I seem to be in line for my share and managed to collect enough for at least a half dozen other people....

Wonder who the rest of the crap I got belongs too?...


Friday, November 17, 2006

Almost 50...

Is there something about approaching the big "five oh" that your body starts to fall apart?

I had a lump removed from my back in late august, and no, it hasn't returned, yet...

About two weeks ago, I found another lump but this one has me more concerned...

I appear to be growing another right testicle, damn....

Guess I'll get the damn doctor to look at it when I go for my visit next month to see if my blood pressure is finally under control...

I seem to be getting really tired these days too, maybe the job, maybe just "men-opause"...


Thursday, November 16, 2006

How do they do it...

Is fear a management style?

The 40 plus people on my team had a threat thrown at them via email this week. Essentially, we have to attempt the same metric as the front line people or we will be moved back to frontline people and others will take our place...

Apparently, management has forgotten what kind of job we do or they are trying to make up for their lack of management skills by forcing a team like mine to do things it was never meant to do...

Maybe the company management should look at negotiating a more reasonable deal with the clients, sorry, that would require that they do their jobs...

Short rant but definitely a good one. The company almost lost the entire team due to the email...


Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Alright, I don't give a shit how friggin old you are or if you are computer illiterate, you better be friggin prepared to change how you do things and what you use to do it!!

Had one moron call back yesterday after an single night because the clients product did not work with the software he wanted to use.

First time I talked to him I asked if he had tried other software to see if the product functioned correctly.

He stated that it does not work with the one he wants to use so I should buy it back.

Fat chance, No hardware manufacturer guarantees that it will function with every piece of software ever created.

Do those people think that they are so special that manufacturers have to listen too and react solely to their demands?



Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hold yer horses

It's funny how some people back down when they are confronted with what they perceive as the final step...

Got one guy last week that decided he wanted to go above one of the members of my team and was given to me as the last step possible...

He did not like the answer he got from my coworker but when he reached me, I become non-technical in this capacity, I had him take one more run with a different colleague, which he agreed to fairly quickly...

It came to the point that the issue is technically unresolvable so the only offer I have for him is a buyback which I told him yesterday...

He has now decided to try using the product in a different way to see if he could get it to function...


Wonder if it will work or if he'll still want the buyback...

Gave him till the 27th to decide....

Guess we'll see...


Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Graffiti Monday 55...


And more friggin rain...


Sunday, November 12, 2006

That was uneventful...

Pretty much a do nothing day...

Damned rain...

Here are some interesting bikes I ran across in my net surfing...

Just when can you say they went too far?...


Saturday, November 11, 2006


Remembrance Day or for you yanks, Veterans Day...

Remember your Grandfathers,

Remember your Grandmothers,

Remember your Fathers,

Remember your Mothers,

Remember your Brothers,

Remember your Sisters,

Remember your Sons,

Remember your Daughters,

Remember Freedoms fought for,

Remember Freedoms now fighting for,

Those now gone will live on, if no where else but in our hearts...



Friday, November 10, 2006


I had a customer who received a product that had a note attached saying "Here is your fucking ___, love__" Company name and product withheld so I get to keep my job for a tiny bit longer...

By all means, this is extremely offensive but just what should you be looking for?

The customer was offer some accessories for his product not to mention apologies from numerous people including the corporate office.

At this point, he has refused the offer of accessories and really has made no demands but hinted at more of the products.

Part of his "threat" is to have his father, who is this bigwig in some school system, his mother who is some bigwig in another company, friends who happen to have a lot of pull somewhere and he, himself, will discourage anyone and everyone from purchasing the company's products.

I personally think he is a little full of himself and over estimates his ability to screw the company...

As a side note, he did indicate that this has happened before with another company, college student trying to make his fortune the easy way, possibly...


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Do you believe this?

On my walks to work, I think of at least fifteen thousand things to post about but do you think I can remember even one right now?...


I'm going to have to write some stuff in advance....

Have a reasonably good Thursday, it's raining here, again...


Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Just what does the mayor do, note the non-important lower case "m" on mayor?...

From everything I've seen so far, they do a lot of glad-handing, store opening, ribbon cutting, and take credit for a lot of things they really had no hand in...

The current one pushed a crap load of people, with assistance from a good number of other councilors, into financing a new library. They built it downtown in a hope of bringing more people to the core of the city. No consideration was given to parking which has been ignored by all of the
politicians in this city.

Seems that as long as they have a reserved place, all is rosy...

In my opinion, they are just rich asses in it to acquire more money and property...


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Quite nasty...

This bug is really quite a nasty little critter...

Got to bed at about 11:00 last night but around 1:00 I started into this coughing jag that just would not stop. About an hour and a half later I get up, pop a halls and crawl back into the sack.

Be damned if I don't wake up almost an hour later than usual...

I can only hope this damn thing ends in a short time...


Monday, November 06, 2006

Graffiti Monday 55...



Sunday, November 05, 2006


My daughter purchased a cell phone for me in June of this year, first one I have ever had.

In July, I went shopping for something a little more advanced than merely a phone and having the texting capability and passed this one along to my son so that he could keep in touch too. Last week, he was looking to find out how to add money and features as this thing is a pay as you go. He did actually try the pin that I had set it up with but it would not let us in to the system to even add money.

I checked with the store where my daughter purchased it and the said that all we had to do was hit *611 and provide the correct personal details.

When we called in, we found ourselves talking to someone in India. This was one very efficient, capable person who had the issue resolved in less time than it took to get through the prompts.

I really don't see what issues these people have with talking to support in India.

Stop and think for just a second... Would you sit in a cube for 8 hours a day and listen to you whine, bitch and complain? Would you take the abuse that these supposed civilized people throw at support staff?

Think about how much it would cost to purchase the items you scream about if they were made by and supported by the people on this continent, you wouldn't be so damn quick to condemn the companies and people you encounter when calling for technical support...

So, I seem to have gone off on a mild rant...


Saturday, November 04, 2006


With my first meeting, they seemed to trying to kiss my ass. Maybe they don't want one of the most tenacious people leaving because of the impression it will leave on a lot of the other people...

Maybe I'm reading more into it or thinking to much of my importance, either way, they haven't fired my ass yet...

Most of my sick feeling is gone. The only bit left is a nasty cough and stuffy nose.That coughing is putting my head in danger of exploding... mmm...Halls good....


Friday, November 03, 2006


I have died and this is merely my spirit posting this particular entry...

That is the way it has to be. Can't feel this bad and be alive...

By the way, I have been ordained as a minister of the Universal Life Church Monastery...

And the date of the ordainment was October 31st, how fitting?

Gotta give my dog his morning pill, have a great day...


Thursday, November 02, 2006


Candy or medicine?

Without them I would be coughing up a lung but I seem to be chewing down enough to choke a horse....

Looks like I may finally be getting somewhere with the management team at work. I have a meeting with a senior manager tomorrow and then with the site manager next week.

When I say getting somewhere, I mean at least talking. It may mean a firing but so be it. My sanity seems to be suffering at this point...

Anyway, have a great Thursday...


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Can I go home now?...

Shit!, I haven't even left yet...

Yea still have it...

I asked my 17 year old if he could pick up some neocitran on the way home from school yesterday and all I got was a resounding "NO!"

He didn't actually say no, it was more like "I was going up to the Mall after school."

Still sounded like a big ass "NO!"


Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I'mmm ssiicckk.....

I don't wanna blog....

I don't wanna go to work....

I wanna go back to bed...

Somebody call in for me please....

I'd settle for a gun to the temple....



Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Graffiti Monday 54...



Sunday, October 29, 2006


We have had way too much rain in the last two weeks. Really makes ya wish it would snow...

I did not say that! Damn...

It really does make the arthritis a bit miserable...

Not to mention the walk to the laundromat, and dry cleaner, and the grocery store, and just about anywhere else I can think of...

I spent quite a bit of my time this summer digging a pond in my front yard. Right now, there is more water in the low area along the fence along one side of my property than there is in the damn pond... In fact, there are bigger puddles in my back yard that I have to trapse through to take the damn dog out...

You might get the idea that I have had just about enough rain for this year...

Hope your weekend is dryer than mine...


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Am I......?

When do you say that you've had enough, cut your losses no matter how great those are, and run. Run far. Run fast...

Just how long should anyone be waiting for their corrections to their annual review?

I found that some data on which my review was based, this was done in February, was incorrect, putting the rest of the data in doubt. It is now 8 months later and no one has corrected that data or the reviews.

The people who mange this place seem to believe that they are above reproach.

It's funny that the two people in charge of the entire building as it pertains to the employees, have setup what are known as focus group meetings. The information that was returned to the rest of the people was so specific, it showed, without a doubt, that the front line managers are not doing their jobs. The questions that were asked by the people in the focus group could have been answered quickly and effectively by the frontline managers. But, no, they seen to think that it is merely their job the manage by fear and if they frontline people don't make the managers goals, are summarily dismissed from the company.

To this company, attrition is a huge unwanted factor. They, however, do not consider firing as attrition. This tends to make management a fire happy. Sorry, a lot fire happy.

The company wants to be a place where people want to work. In this location, they are failing miserably.

I will be the one informing some of the upper echelon even if it means my dismissal from the company.

I guess it is getting close to my time to leave them..

Too bad, I know that I could have made a difference...
