Thursday, November 30, 2006


I was going to call the local radio station because, to predict the weather, I could look out my door in the morning and be more accurate.

On monday, they said it would rain lat that night. Be damned. When I left work at 5, it was pouring down. I didn't take my bumbershoot because of the radio forecast and wound up soaked to the skin.

Tuesday, they said it would rain for most of the day. I took my bumbershoot for no reason as there was no rain at all...

Yesterday, they said not rain and even some sunny periods. NOT! At no point was there any sun. In fact, it had rained just before I left for home at 5.

The weather guy needs to go back to school or something....

He is calling for a crap load more rain today. Just a minute, let me look out the front door, gotta see if I can predict more accurately...


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