Thursday, June 08, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 118

You would not believe the hoops you have to jump through to just throw a frickin cheque into a bank account....

My Son and I both received cheques in the amount of $16,000 from one of my uncles who is dying...

Because my bank is different from the one my uncle uses, the funds are bring held for more than a week...

We asked about opening an account for my son who is a minor, he is only 17, but got nothing but attitude and bullshit from the people at my bank...

They said we needed two particular pieces of ID to open the account and would not even look into any possibilities to try to get it done...

Needless to say, they will be losing all of my business...

We opened an account for him in the same bank as my uncle uses and the money was moved immediately...

What kind of customer service is that.... Oh, right, we are in Canada and not entitled to any consideration....



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