Sunday, December 04, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 30

I went to see a doctor today, at a local walk-in clinic.

I have a sore spot on my foot, I think it was a sliver I got in July. It had twinged once in a while but no biggy.

Well, it seems it has progressed into a Plantar's Wart.

Damn, this thing is really no fun at all. It has gotten to the point where it appears to be a crater in the bottom of my foot. Yea, it is a little gross but I do take care of my feet. I put anywhere from two to six miles on them, almost every single day.

Anyway, I had suspicions that it in fact was one of these damnable warts but just wanted a confirmation from a medical person. I had already arranged through someone who has been a registered nurse for more years than I have been alive, to get me some silver nitrate sticks which are the perfect medicine(poison) for killing off the virus that causes these warts.

The so-called doctor came in and asked what the problem was. I pointed at my foot as I took my sock off, and said I think this is a plantars wart. He reached over and jammed his thumb right down in the middle of it and says yes.

Now anyone that has had one of these can tell you, nobody has any business jamming anything into the middle of it, much less something the size of a thumb. I, of course, winced and pulled back.

The doctor took no notice stating, "We'll have to take a little off around it, I'll go and get the liquid nitrogen."

WTF? I just wanted a confirmation that it in fact was what I thought it was.

I said, "I have some silver nitrate at home, that is all I'll need."

He said, "That won't do anything!"

I said, "Yes it will, I just wanted to know that it was a plantar's wart so I wouldn't be throwing poison at it needlessly."

To which he replied, "Fine!"

This is the same damn doctor who, when I went to the clinic with a sinus infection about two years ago, tried to make me feel stupid and as if I didn't know what the hell I was talking about.

I am forty eight years old and have had enough infections in my time to know when and where the problem was.


I have a normal family doctor that is pretty much of the same frickin attitude.

I had a problem where, when I got up in the morning, I was three times more tired than when I went to bed the night before. It took more than eight years to finally get the ass to refer me to a sleep clinic.

It turns out I have a severe case of sleep apnea. The usual process for the clinic is to go up the first night so they can test you and then the second night to try out a cpap apparatus.

Within the first hour and a half, my oxygen level had gone down to 65%. Scared the crap out of the girl that was testing me. I now have a cpap unit that cost well over $2000 to keep me alive.

Most of these units run at top end of 9 PSI. Mine runs at 12 PSI

Just how much damage has occurred to my brain as a result of the lack of oxygen over the years?
I'll never know and you can bet that doctor will deny any responsibility.

a crap load more hhmmm....

I'll get into the whole rant another day, this is just the tip of he iceberg on doctors.


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