Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 32

Yippee... Got my camera replacement last Friday, not so yippee, it needs to be replaced again... damn.....

It thought it was great that I had my brand new replacement.

The only problem with having it replaced is the fact that I work Monday to Friday, leaving the house around 8:30 in the morning and not back till between 7:30 and 8:00 in the evening.

I'm one of those walk to work people and the distance is about two miles one way. Yea, I do get my exercise but if I'd had my druthers, I would definitely be driving.

Anyway, with the hours I work, good luck getting or sending anything by courier. Someone has to be available between the hours of 8 and 8. Does this work for me? Yea, right...

Good thing I happen to be on reasonable terms with my ex so she waits for couriers and things on one of her days off which is Thursday.

This is a pic from the camera, not too bad for a broken camera. FYI, this was taken at night without the flash, focus set to infinity and a very unsteady hand.

Oh well, looking forward to HNT anyway....



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