Saturday, December 10, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 33

What is it about CEO's that make them think they have the right to screw with other people?

Is it because they think they are far superior?

How is it, if they are so superior, they can barely understand the technology they have and can barely use.

I made a call to a fellow who was having an issue with a printer. He had an older one that printed the documents he had created, correctly, lo those many years ago, and now that he has purchased a newer one, expects it to work exactly the same.

Of course some modifications have to be made to the documents to work with the newer units and drivers but he can't be made to understand that he has to change with the technology.

The only issue was with documents that were created with two Microsoft products but he outright refused to believe that they could make some adjustments that may work.

His response to my suggestion to seek assistance from Microsoft was to state, "I am the CEO of three companies and all you can offer me is to talk to Microsoft?"

I said, "Yes."

He wanted some adjustments to be made to the printer to work with the program.

Just because he is the "all important, bow to my frickin, better than you" ass, I have to kiss his ass?

Not on your life!

If some of these self important, self righteous, self centered asses were to take some time to learn a little more about the workings of technology that they want and need to use, and quit harassing and berating those that support the products, they might get a whole new insight into the real world.

What the hell am I saying? It will always be "those that have will rule those that don't"

Oh, well, that is the rant for tonight...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. With regards to your comment on my diary -- first of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for de-lurking via condemnation. That was very special.

Second of all, to answer your question, "Why is it so much worse for him to do it?", that answer would be "because a one-night stand means absolutely nothing compared to a two-month relationship" -- for a start.

Also, when you and your wife first got married, were you forced to spend a year apart? Just wondering.