Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Things that make you go hhmm.... 39

Hope everyone had a great Christmas....

I find it really hard to explain why I don't really feel anything for Christmas.

People come up to me and ask, "How was your Christmas?"

My answer, "It was a day off work"....

I can remember being so excited about the day and the presents and the season and..... it just isn't there for me anymore...

Sure, I see my kids and get gifts and good food but.... something is missing....

Can you get too old for it?

Can it just turn into another day?

A mere day off from work?

Maybe working the days on both sides of it make it less than a satisfying holiday?

At least I have the 2nd of January off....

I think I need to look for something else that is more satisfying in my life than what I am doing now. I have seen bloggers that are doing the same job hopping but they don't seem any happier either....

Anyway, hhmmm....


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