Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 87

This is pissin' me off...!

I have been working in the same place for 5 1/2 years and last month was the first time I've been sick enough that I had to call in for the first time. That was the first week of March.

Yesterday I was shitting through the eye of a frickin needle and had to call in again....

I was already to go in, had my coat on and all, but damned if that wasn't when the first wave hit....

From then on it was damn near three hours in there...

Do you know just how boring it can get in a bathroom for three hours?

There is only so much reading one can do when the crapping hits and the burning ring of fire starts...

Concentration, yea, on yer burnin ass!

Anyway, looks like I may make it in today, even if I have to keep a bucket under my desk.... now that is a nasty thought....



1 comment:

Hale McKay said...

Ooh - the Hershey Squirts are no fun. Hope you are feeling better soon.
...As for the crossword, I'm still working on it. LOL