Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 93


Just how and why are we trying so hard to keep our kids safe?

Don't get me wrong, my three kids are the only people that I would actually give my life up for....

I was listening to the radio and all the talk about bike helmets...

How did we as people, make it this far without all of the protection afforded our kids now?

I'm waiting for the full body armor and the laws that will keep your kids from doing anything that may, in any way, shape, or form, hurt them...

Can't eat any food, might choke on it...
Can't ride in any kind of vehicle, might have an accident...
Can't watch TV, might damage the eyes...
Can't use the computer, might connect with a goof...
Can't talk to anyone outside your own home, might be another goof...

They will have to wear full body armor and not be allowed to expose themselves to air.... Damn germs...

Sure, it sounds stupid here but look around you and check into the laws and bylaws that are there for "your protection"



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