Friday, March 10, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 73

That was some friggin bug....

I felt something coming on when I headed to work yesterday and took a neocitran which will usually get me through the day.

I was so far gone by quitting time, I really don't remember what I was doing...

I got a ride home and arrived by shortly after 7 when I tried going through the various email accounts and blogs before doing anything else.

I wasn't able to complete that. I went to bed at about 7:30 with another neocitran as that is all I had in the house. I had asked the kid to pick some robitussin up on the way home but he didn't get home til after 9:30 and by then, this damnable bug had a good hold.

I took a dose of the robitussin and 4 tylenol ultra for the head ache and went back to bed.

I kept waking up and looking at the clock every ten to fifteen minutes.

At 6:30, I got up, called into work to let them know I wouldn't be in, took a double dose of robitussin, 8 tylenol ultra and a shot and went back to bed.

I can't tell you how many times I got up and went back to bed.

I can say that I could swear that my face was going to fly off across the room with the pressure in my sinuses and every muscle in my body spasmed sometime during this whole nightmare...

I was finally able to crawl out of bed and into the shower at about 5:30 this evening...

I have never had a bug that could knock me down so quickly and so viscously in my life...

I hope never to get hit by this one again...

I like a fired up burger patty with a little salt on it but even that tastes like crap tonight, guess I'll settle for a few grapes and some water...

Anyway, the weather is looking up and I may be able to enjoy a wee bit of the weekend...



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