Saturday, March 18, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 77

Well, Mr I'm 65 and I don't have time and I don't want to learn anything, called back yesterday.

I was kind enough to help him with a workaround that is fairly quick and will do exactly what he wants.

He complained about it being a little time consuming and cumbersome.

I told him that with time and some practice, he would find it to be very quick and probably make others look slow when trying to do the same thing.

He thanked me, and sounded sincere when he did, and disconnected.

Much later, he calls back when I am not available and tries to get someone else.

When dealing with me and my team, these people just don't seem to be listening. I am the owner of the issue that he is having, no one else on my team will touch him in anyway, just refer him back to me.

What is it with some people? They think that the multinational, multi-billion dollar company will cease to exist without their once every 6 year, $120 sale!

Got news for ya people, the company will carry on quite nicely without you and your money because it actually cost a hell of a lot more than that product to be escalated to my team.

As for "there is always someone higher", just where the hell do you think it stops?

When you call the corporate office and they transfer you to me, I tell you that I am the final word on your case, you might want to listen....

Anyway, just a little more ...



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