Sunday, July 30, 2006

Eewww, gross...

Try to get something done about the lump on my back has turned into a trial of patience....

Told you about the trip to the hospital almost three weeks ago. The following week, I tried to get hold of my family doctor to set up another appointment with the original surgeon that he had lined up, apparently he was out of the office for that week, my doctor that is...

So last week, I had the ol' lady trying to get hold of him again but his staff said that he was out of the office for another week, crap...

So they asked that we call the original surgeon ourselves but we found that he was out of the office until tomorrow too...


Now on to the gross part...

About two weeks ago, this thing on my hurt like someone was trying to drive a knife into my back and I wasn't able to sleep most of the night.

Woke up at about 2:30 to take another handful of tylenol and finally did fall asleep. When I woke at about 5:30/6:00, the was pus in about a four inch circle on the inside of my shirt where this thing is growing...

Well the pain seemed to be gone and I can put up with a little mess in my shirts each day, I have enough to wear one a day for a month or more if you count my t shirts, and they make laundry soap everyday...

Now, for the last three or four days, I've been find that there is some blood in the mess too, sign of something more problematic?

I don't know but I hope to find out soon...

I hate the feeling in my shirt of one little wet spot that won't go away till I take the shirt off...

Told you it was gross...


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