Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 43

Well, this week started off a little differently..

I got my interview for a supervisor position but I think they threw in some loaded questions and I really think that they are trying to find a way to eliminate me from being considered.

If I don't get the position, I will be taking it to the top of the pike.

This company has a huge problem with attrition but they aren't looking at what management is doing to cause it. The CEO wants the company to be a place where people want to come to work but the lower and middle management in this site, does nothing to keep the people wanting to come back to work everyday.

My team has set metrics to meet but they have essentially gotten completely unrealistic. We have a service level to meet which is 90% of the incoming calls answered. We also have to make a certain number of outbound calls to try to contact other customers.

There is no balance. You have to make all of the out bounds while taking all of the inbound. This seems to be an impossibility. When I noted that they can choose one or the other, they come back with "not an option"

Apparently, there has to be nothing reasonable.

People out side the company would better understand if I spent a crap load more time explaining the processes we have to follow but I haven't the inclination nor the time to put it down here. Suffice it to say that reasonable is not a part of the managements vocabulary.

A huge pile of hhmmm.....


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