Thursday, May 04, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 102

This working thing is really getting in the way of having fun......

I have a really stupid neighbor, well most of them but some more so than others...

The two directly next door on each side have put up fences to either block me and my property out of their lives or block me into my own little corner...

I live on a little dead end street, right at the end...

Anyway, the one decided Tuesday, to put this fence up along my garage and one piece of driveway...

The nicked a 2 inch conduit that holds phone lines and TV cable, guess it messed up the conduit a bit but, if that weren't enough, about 10 feet further along they chopped clean through it....

200 phone lines and TV cable gone in a matter of seconds...

I got home and found the Bell truck blocking my driveway as the guy was sitting in the hole reconnecting the cables...

He said that the fence job just got a shitload more expensive.... too funny....

These people have been trying to get me off this street for more than 16 years but they don't seem to have gotten the message, I ain't goin' anywhere...

Just some more interesting crap in my life...



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