Saturday, May 13, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 108

Well, that was an interesting day...

The first call, a guy asked to speak to "TM".I told him that she was out of the office for the day to which he replied, "I want her supervisor now!"

I asked him for a case number or phone number so I had something to reference. He demanded that I transfer him immediately.

I said, "Not till I have some sort of identifying information!"

He say, "I'm calling the corporate office!" and immediately hangs up....

An ass, I think so....

The next one has a contact for two different product lines. I tell her, by the notes, she is going to have to contact the one in the other office as that is where the problem lies.

She tries to escalate with me and for an issue that is not dealt with by my team.... Got her to go to the contact.

The next one was a guy calling in for an issue with a product I don't support but is supported by others on my team.

He says, "I am having a problem with this unit."

I say, "OK, I'm going to need a phone number or case number?"

He says, "I just want help with this unit!"

I say, "I have to know what the issue is and other identifying information."

He then provides the case number but it is at least 5 months old. I say, "Your contact is WJ"

He then gets right snotty, "Why didn't you tell me that immediately?!"

I say, "I just found it with the case number you provided and give me a moment or two and I'll see if he is available."

He demands to be transferred to him NOW!

I say, "No, I have to see if he is available!"

He then gets rude, "Your not helping at all, time is money, transfer me to his supervisor NOW!"

I say, "Not till I find out if he is available!"

He then says, "I'm going to have your fucking ass fired you fucking asshole, I'm calling soandso (don't know the name he was referring to but so close to "no way" will I hear anything from this person) and your gone!!" He then slams the phone down.

Now, I ask, just how smart are these people?

Do they think that by yelling and cursing at the people who are empowered to help will get them anything?

Just how stupid are they?

There are only, maybe six people in the client company that can tell us to do anything and that includes firing...

Just made for a rather interesting day...



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