Saturday, February 04, 2006

Things that make you go hhmm.... 56

Gotta like the weekend...

Looks like we are in for winter storm, not what I would look forward to right now.

It really sucks not having the money to even get a coffee each day...

I have to cough up the green for the hydro bill, $350 this week coming and another $350 four weeks later...

Got a bill that I thought was mine. Named my oldest son the same as me except for the middle initial and I would really like to know where the hell my mind was when I did that....

And what is up with kids these days. My oldest son in 6' 4" tall and weighs in at about 225 lb. The "little guy", at almost 17 years old is 6' 5" tall and about 180. The middle one is all of 5' 4" and no more than 110 soaking wet. I can't figure out for the life of me what happened here. I am about 5' 10" and the ol' lady is about 5' 2". That could explain the middle one but what happened with the other two?

Could it be something in the food these days?

Anyway, another short one...



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