Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm not sure about where others who may read this thing live, but here, we have laws about not parking on sidewalks.

I went to friends place and on from there to get coffee. We passed a construction site where they are building a new seniors home, looks more like a big ass school but that is another rant. The different companies have a good number of workers there but for some reason they did not account for a reasonable amount of space between the building and the roadway in front. The setback looks to be only about 25/30 feet.

Anyway, there were three vehicles parked right on the sidewalk and on our way back, a fourth vehicle was backing onto the same sidewalk, providing us with a less than patient look because we refused to move off of the sidewalk to accommodate his parking.

This was more informational than a rant but the ass that pulled out of a side street was the one that really pissed me off.

He pulled out so that we could not pass out in front of his vehicle and had to either wait for him to move on or walk behind the car. These are the kind of guys that I would like to pull out of their cars and beat them profusely. Especially if it's raining. They are in a nice warm dry car and they seem to feel they have a right that they, in fact, do not.

I kinda got even with one guy. I was coming up on a corner and actually heard the car approaching the corner from behind at a high speed. I didn't even make out that I heard him and crossed the street in front of the person. Whoever it was really had to climb on the binders to keep from hitting me.

Just one more note here, I don't mind "giving" up the right of way that I hold but I'll be damned if you going to "take" it from me without a fight of some sort...


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