Thursday, September 14, 2006


Finally got the paperwork and it looks clear to the 25th so far.

The doctor finally showed a little concern over my yo-yoing blood pressure but I think its because the nurse that comes in daily takes it and keeps me apprised otherwise nothing would have been done. Mind you, the only thing he is doing is doubling my prescription, none of the people I know, and a lot of them are nurses, believe that this is the fix. I guess we'll see.

He also decided to look at the hole in my back. His spin on it, "Great, looks good!". Funny but the nurse says that there has been no change to the inside where it is supposed to be healing and the depth hasn't changed either. Friggin doctor thinks he can tell more in a split second, cursory glance than someone who is assessing it on a daily basis. We'll see. If it heals up on the out side first and the damn thing grows like it did the last time, I smell lawsuit...

My thoughts are also with a buddy of mine, he has gone under the knife again as of 8 am this morning. This is a guy who is riddled with cancer and has actually outlived his live expectation by a couple of decades. Wishing him luck in his latest round with the evil C...

Gotta save some for later, have a great day even if it is raining in your area as it is here...


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